Thursday, March 1, 2007

Inaugural Post!!1!!omgone!!!!!

Hello there and welcome to PM's Lair of Villainy, or as it will undoubtedly soon be called in certain quarters (which for now shall remain nameless), PMS Lair of Villainy. I really have no idea why I'm starting another blog, because historically I have been horrible about updating such things. Oh well, all the cool kids are doing it. :o)

I'll probably write on an irregular basis about stupid crap that crosses my mind or about TV or comics or videogames or stuff like that. You know, like pretty much every other blog in existence. :oD I may also have updates about my big comic project I'm working on. Maybe!

So anyway, welcome to my blog. Hopefully you enjoy at least some of what you read here. If not, tough! I'm writing it anyway. :o)


Lita said...

Just jump on the bandwagon, why don't you? At least you seem to know how to use labels.

wurwolf said...

Oh fine. Don't link Cooties Cards. See if I care. Hmmph.


Rimmi said...

How rude!

PM said...

Sorry about that. Somehow the URL got messed up! I fixed it so that you're linked too, wurwolf! :o)

The Mickey said...

How dare you don't link the Mickery Files! I linked you damn it! Oh.....uh, there I am. Continue.....