Sunday, March 25, 2007

Foodblogging: Sunday, 3/25/07

Well, it's the first really nice weekend of spring, so you know what that means (note: if you don't know what that means, read the words that come next): grill season has begun! :oD

Yeah, I brought the grill out of its hibernatory cave (note: I mean the garage. I do not literally have a cave), cleaned it up, opened up a bag of quick-light charcoal, and fired that puppy up! (Note: by "puppy" I mean grill. I am not burning dogs!)

On the menu for today: pork ribs smothered in barbecue sauce (Maul's original, for the record) with some onion chopped up in it, corn on the cob, and homemade potato salad. I put the ribs in a pan, poured sauce and grated onion over them, and covered in aluminum foil. Nothing fancy, mind you, but they've been on a little over an hour at this poin and after about 45 more minutes they ought to be very tender and delicious. Jenny wrapped the corn in foil with butter, salt, and pepper inside and we put those on the grill, too. Jenny finished the potato salad an hour ago, and it's been chilling in the fridge ever since. All in all, it promises to be a great kickoff to grill season! :o)

We're having some family over to eat with us, because good food is better if you share it with people you care about. Plus, my sister is bringing a homemade banana cream pie for dessert, which should cap everything off wonderfully. Well, time to get the house ready for company. I'll let you all know how dinner turned out!! :oD

Update: Monday, 3/26
The ribs were just about perfect! We started the corn a little late, though, especially considering it started out frozen. We saved dinner by popping it in the oven for about 15 minutes; it ended up good and hot and buttery and delicious. Jenny did a fantastic job on the potato salad, and my sister made an excellent pie! Overall, a fantastic meal.

1 comment:

wurwolf said...

Okay, now this is a better food blog entry than your last one. This all sounded soooo good! Onil and I are totally making the trip out to your place for dinner. And we'll even bring a banana cream pie! See you soon!