Saturday, May 5, 2007

Baby Mobius is HERE!!!

Baby Mobius was born yesterday at 6:31 pm! He is 19 1/2 inches long and 6 pounds, five ounces. He and his mommy are both doing very well. Here's a pic or two:

My wife and I are very happy he's finally here. Give baby Honkey Magoo a warm welcome, won't you? :oD


Lita said...

Awwwww!!! A BABY!!!! Congratulations, PM and Mrs. PM and Baby PM!!! I still say babies born on August 25 are the best, but yours is pretty good too. CONGRATS!! \\hugs all around

wurwolf said...

Congratulations to Mr & Mrs. PM! I'm so relieved he missed my birthday. Also, he looks just like his ultrasound picture! Crazy!

wurwolf said...

Hey, Honkey Magoo! Quit taking up so much of your dad's time so he can post more stuff on his blog.


wurwolf said...

Honkey Magoo has totally RUINED the PMS Liar of Villainy! I'm outraged!

wurwolf said...

Honkey Magoo, you're Fredo to me! HMMPH!